Projects | Marketing | Building a Future-Proof Future

Founded in 2008: Parent company to Bebelliet Studio. 

  • Project Management: Agile, Scrum, Waterfall
  • Content- Technical Writing for Universal Audience
  • Application for Program Approved Service Agencies
  • Funding | Grant Consulting
  • Small Business Development 
  • Marketing: Design services and Team collaboration for projects by Bebelliet Studio   

[email protected]             970-980-5158

PMB | LLC has its roots in community and small business development, with ever-expanding reach into IT, infrastructure, disaster recovery, and government. Our work has spanned supported startups for entrepreneurs with unique abilities, funding projects for survivors of fires, floods, and the COVID-19 pandemic, broadband expansion to underserved communities, infrastructure funding management, community development comprehensive planning, and more. We have and continue to advocate for limitless perspectives about "ways of doing and being in the world" (author Nick Roussos,  


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Awesome in the Hannah Collection